Virtual Skylight
We all love being in nature some of us like the mountains some the oceans some of us like the deserts but we have one thing in common we all love the sky wherever we are and we’ve all laid on our backs and looked up into the sky maybe through a beautiful tree and we all have the same response the same experience one of being uplifted being refreshed and revitalized.
We would like to share the revitalizing experience of the sky with everyone and believe we can do it indoors in commercial retail hospitality and residential environments,
It’s almost like its real you know it’s almost like you’re lying there looking at the sky there’s a real quality of reality to the photography it’s very beautiful very professional.
When I first saw it installed I think I literally gasped it just brought this immense expansive feeling.
Skyceilings dramatically transformed an interior space into an oasis of daylight and natural beauty that increases our comfort and productivity and leaves a lasting and memorable impression.
Illusions of Sky
eSkyscape goes a big step further. It not only adds the motion of real skies, it delivers the ephemeral events of nature. It features hours of real-time, unedited scenes of beautiful sky events—evolving clouds, overhanging branches and blossoms, even the occasional fauna—that generate a relaxing psycho-physiological experience.
Length Footage
Up to 8 hours ranging from 1 to 3 hours per video
With overall resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 ACORE 4K UltraHD delivers four times more detail than full 1080p HD content.
Industrial Strength
All components in our self-contained system are designed to withstand thousands of hours of continuous, 24/7 operation.
eSkyScape™ – 4727 Specifications
4K Single Monitors
100 – 240 V, 500 Watts per monitor, 50 – 60 Hz Resolution: 3840*2160
Dimensions : 835mm (L) x 1323 (W) x 160mm (D)
44 lbs (20 kg)
Mounting Enclosure Modular aluminum extrusion 44 lbs. (20 kg)
Protects Sky monitors, facilitates wiring, provides for proper cooling
Mounted utilizing 6 brackets; each bracket with 2 – 1/4” diameter slotted holes Monitors mounted on swing frames for wiring and maintenance
Requires opening in ceiling to receive enclosure, cabling and cooling duct Conduit not specified, 1 1/2” and 1” conduit boxes provided on request see Installation Instructions for details
Recessed applications Cooling System
In-line fan
Power Consumption: AC; 65 Watts for 240V AC Cooling plenum
Ducting between manifold and fan, fan and air inlet not provided
Video/Audio Playback Equipment
Video/Audio Playback Unit (VPU) Plug and play enclosure.
Voltage specific: 110-120V AC and 220-240V AC Power Consumption: 250 Watts
Power cord terminated with standard IEC C14 connector
Extension cord provided for locations compatible with NEMA 5-15P, CEE 7/7 Hybrid Shuko/French or UK BS1363 plug
All other locations must provide local connector to IEC C13 connector extension cord 28 lbs (12.7 kg)
Wall Mounted Controller
9 – 16 V DC supplied by VPU via CAT cable
High-contrast TFT LCD, Full UGA (480 x 64 pixel) with 65k colors touchscreen Standard colors available
One HDMI cables (length specified according to order, 50’ (15.3m) standard)
One CAT cable, ends not terminated (length specified according to order, 32.4’ (10m) standard)
50’ (15.3m) +/- for VPU to monitors
50’ (15.3m) +/- for VPU to wall mounted controller
One junction box with three 5.5’ (1.68m) power cords terminated on one end with IEC 60320_C13 receptacle.
If plenum cabling or additional length is needed, contact ACORE for pricing.
Line Voltage Electrical Requirements
Line voltage and low voltage in separate conduit:
Line voltage requires 1 1/2” (38mm) conduit, Low voltage requires 1” (25.4mm) conduit Total Power Consumption: 750 Watts for 240V AC
Circuit Recommendations: a separate circuit is advisable
180 Watts monitor location; 36 Watts for 120V AC or 70 Watts for 240V AC cooling fan location; 250 Watts VPU location
Power Surge Protection: recommended, but not provided

Viewable Image Area:
(835mm x 1183mm)
Video Content:
Long form, real time, continuous 4K UHD* Videos
Up to 8 hours ranging from 1 to 3 hours per video
*4K UHD (Ultra High-Definition Resolution):
With overall resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 ACORE 4K UltraHD delivers four times more detail than full 1080p HD content.
5-year limited warranty on entire system
Monitor trim dark gray painted wood with low glare finish for optimal viewing
Skirt trim (primed) for transition from monitor trim to existing ceiling



Trim / Mounting Structure

Wall Mounted Controller
A visual connection to nature is the most effective way to relax and provide comfort to patients about to undergo any type of stressful procedure, whether it’s a diagnostic, interventional, or therapeutic session.
SkyView is not designed for MRI environments. Instead, check out Luminous SkyCeilings.
In corporate settings, staff and clients benefits from the restorative impact of perceived open space in reduced spaces like conference rooms and interior receptions.
Other enclosed spaces like mass transportation control rooms, emergency call centers, and counseling services also tend to isolate operators in highly artificial environments.
Adding a restorative portal to nature enhances productivity, wellness, and increases job satisfaction.
Acore’s eSkyScape products display unedited, feature-length footage within a fully designed architectural portal. Our simulated skylights and windows provide the essential environmental cues such as architectural reveals, scaled content, and undistorted dynamic compositions that trigger spatial cognition, thereby generating a palpable feeling of expansion in the viewer.
Unique Cinematography Unique Cinematography – Using the latest RED Digital Cinema technology, Acore’s award-winning cinematographers capture the beauty of the sky in all of its engaging subtlety and variety from a range of locations and climate conditions.